Course Outline

Leadership v Management

  • The similarities and differences between Leadership and Management. What makes a Great Leader;
  • what makes a Great Manager?
  • Management Styles
  • Organisational Climate
  • Merging Management Styles with Organisational Climate

Developing a Successful Team

  • What is a Team?
  • The stages of Team Development
  • How can a manager influence the stages of Team Development…?

Performance Management

  • Setting Objectives
  • Managing Individuals’ Performance
  • Coaching for Improved Performance
  • Delegation
  • Feedback as a Performance Management tool

Successfully Delivering Change

  • Why Change does (or does not!) work
  • The 9 key change principles
  • The emotional reactions to change
  • Resistance to change – and the benefits of resistance

Negotiating for Best Results

  • Communication in Negotiation
  • The importance of Effective Presentations
  • Different Negotiating Strategies
  • Comparing Strategies
  • Building Rapport
  • The 3-phase Negotiating Process

Handling Conflict

  • What causes conflict?
  • The Phases of Conflict Handling
    • Understanding the Conflict
    • Understanding your / the other person’s position in the conflict
    • Resolving the Conflict
  • Kilmann’s Five Conflict-Handling Modes – and how to apply them
  • Bridging the Gap
 7 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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