Course Outline


  • History of Lean: The Toyota Production System

Lean Thinking

  • Organizing human activities

Benefits of Lean

  • Cash flow improvement
  • Increased capacity for revenue

Five Principles of Lean

  • Value
  • The Value Stream
  • Flow
  • Pull
  • Perfection

Types of Waste

  • Seven types of waste
  • Using the wrong metrics to measure waste

Measuring Performance

  • Observing processes
  • Understanding the key aspects of a KPI

Preparing the Enterprise for Lean

  • Creating Lean processes
  • Tracking work through Kanban
  • Overcoming resistance to change

Implementing Lean in Your Organization

  • Organizing the teams
  • Kaizen and the continuous improvement cycle
  • Developing people and partners
  • Organizing the workspace for efficiency
    • 5 S+1: Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, Safety
  • Reducing the time for equipment changeovers
    • SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Dies)
  • Calculating the pace of production (Takt time)
  • Autonomation (Jidoka)
  • Error proofing (Poka Yoke)

Value Stream Mapping

  • Lean measurements
  • Creating current and future state maps
  • Just-in-time
  • Built-in-quality

Promoting Lean Thinking across the Enterprise

  • Tools + culture change
  • Coaching
  • Developing communication and feedback channels
  • Focusing on long-term learning

Developing Lean Leaders

  • Setting up a Lean leadership team
  • Creating a succession system

Assessing the Results of Lean

  • The Lean Maturity Matrix
  • Tracking performance
  • Benchmarking against other companies
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement

Complementary Methodologies

  • Agile and Scrum
  • Six Sigma

Summary and Conclusion


  • An interest in developing people, improving efficiency, and eliminating waste within the organization


  • Business managers
  • Quality assurance managers and consultants
 14 Hours

Testimonials (7)

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