Course Outline

1. Introduction to communication issues

  • communication process and its stages
  • the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication
  • techniques and tools for effective communication.
  • Direct communication and communication via media: telephone, e-mail, instant messaging

2. Principles of effective communication, as an essential element in effective contacts in the organization

  • self-analysis of your own communication style
  • communication errors, their correction and avoidance
  • communication barriers
  • stages of creating interpersonal contact

3. Effective conversation

  • shaping one's own image as a sender and recipient of a message
  • assertively responding to reservations, criticism and praise
  • recognizing and avoiding barriers in communication, active listening as a tool for effective communication  recognizing and dealing with factors that interfere with listening and understanding statements
  • the art of asking questions
  • psychological mechanisms and techniques of influencing

4. Intercultural aspect of communication

  • basics of proximics - distance in communication
  • formulating messages in intercultural contacts
  • self-expression and intercultural perception
  • cultural reading of messages
  • cultural attitudes in everyday communication and negotiations
  • decision-making in a cultural aspect

5. Basic principles of intercultural communication

  • contact-oriented cultures
  • rules-oriented cultures
  • pro-partner and pro-transaction cultures
  • ceremonial and non-ceremonial cultures
  • monochrome and polychronic cultures
  • Does "a" always mean "a"? -hidden assumptions and unsaid expectations in communication with representatives of particular cultures

6. "Contractor's manual" - what to do, what not to do and a total "faux pas"

  • Cultures of Western Europe (Germany, France, Italy)
  • Cultures of the former USSR countries
  • American culture

7. Summary


The course is of a general nature and participation in it does not require specialized knowledge

 14 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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