Course Outline


  • How communication can make or break a company
  • The evolution of organizational teams
  • What is emotional intelligence?


  • Identifying areas for improvement in communication
  • Approaches to improving communication
  • Staying objective (not taking things personally)
  • Saying what you really mean to say
  • The role of emotions
  • The importance of empathy


  • Efficient teams vs inefficient teams
  • Identifying the common objective
  • Identifying individual needs
  • Setting goals and tracking results
  • Achieving synergy

Managing a Team

  • The importance of the leader
  • Taking responsibility (owning the problem)
  • Leading by example
  • Making meetings short, sweet and engaging
  • Measuring progress
  • Cultivating future leaders

Emotional Intelligence

  • What is emotional intelligence?
  • Measuring emotional intelligence
  • Understanding and leveraging emotions to relate better
  • Identifying personality types within your team
  • Cultivating emotional intelligence -- tools and techniques

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience working in a team


  • Team leaders and members
  • Managers
 7 Hours

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