Course Outline

Define Coaching

  • Ensure clarity on what exactly Coaching is and how it is used
  • Link “Coaching” as a discipline to improving individual and team performance (or analysing and rectifying under-performance)
  • Understand how learning shared can easily be transferred into a “commitment to action”

Coaching models

  • Introduction to the GROW model
    • G = Goal: the purpose of the discussion or changes the individual / team wishes to make
    • R = Reality: an honest assessment of the current situation and the need for change
    • O = Options: what can be done to achieve that change; what else; is there anything else…?
    • W = Will: is the desire there to see this through or will one of the other factors – GRO –prevent the achievement of the change; how will we measure progress?
  • Consideration of all the factors required in:
    • Turning vision into reality
    • Delivering measurable outcomes
    • Making effective decisions
    • Managing the change
  • Introducing the House of Change: understanding the need sometimes to make things worse before they can get better

Becoming a successful Coach

  • How does a Coach behave?
  • What does a Coach do?
  • Understanding the need to remain separate – aloof? – from the detail and only contribute individual comments / suggestions at appropriate times
  • Coaching performance from individuals whose day-to-day work we don’t understand

The link with Performance Management

  • Objective setting – understanding what is required
  • Managing against these objectives – understanding what success / shortfall looks like
  • Recognising (and rectifying) under-performance; particularly recognising the causes of under- performance (which may be nothing to do with the individual’s workload)
  • Coaching and Feedback: links and differences

Coaching in Practice

  • Facilitated sessions of Coaching – initially in a group environment to allow targeted feedback; then in coaching pairs – to put into practice the models which have already been discussed.
 7 Hours

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