Course Outline

  • Introduction and Overview from Henry Ford’s CANDO to Toyota’s Production System
  • 5S and Workplace Organisation
  • What is 5S and how does it benefit the organisation
  • 5S the first step in becoming lean
  • Waste – what is it? How does it occur? How to identify it and eliminate it?
  • How to implement 5S
  • Sort
    • How to Sort
    • Red-Tagging
  • Set in Order
    • How and why to Set in Order
  • Shine
    • How to Implement Shine and why is it so important
  • Standardize
    • How to Implement Standardize and dramatically improving productivity
  • Sustain
    • The most important stage and where your 5S program is most likely to fail
  • Safety
    • The sixth S – how to reduce accidents in the workplace
  • How to Sustain 5S Activities
  • Tools and Techniques to implement 5S
  • 5S battle plan
  • Critical Success Factors


There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.

 7 Hours

Testimonials (5)

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